Donate in memory

Remember a loved one by donating money in their honour.

Honour the life of a loved one by making a donation in their memory to the British Red Cross.

Their memory will live on through our work as we support people in crisis.

Donating or fundraising in memory is a special way to remember someone. We are always touched to receive these donations. 

You can make a one-off donation, organise a funeral collection, or fundraise in someone's memory. 

Donate in memory

Call 0300 456 1005 to speak to a member of the team. 

A Red Cross volunteer helping a lonely man venture out of his home.

How donations in memory will help 

Donations in memory will go to our general fund. This fund supports all areas of our work and helps us deliver vital services in the UK and overseas. 

We are emergency responders in a crisis. We will always listen to what people need and get them the right help - whether that's food, clothing, first aid, cash, healthcare or emotional support. 

Our teams work in 192 countries under the same red cross emblem – a powerful symbol of protection. 

Information about our general fund

Funeral collections

We are very grateful for any support you would like to give us by taking donations at a funeral or memorial service.

You can set up a funeral notice page through Much Loved

Tribute page

You can remember your loved one by setting up a tribute page through Much Loved.

This page is a place where you and your friends and family can share personal tributes, photographs, and donate to your chosen cause.

Set up a tribute page

Contact us

Got a question about donating in memory of a loved one? Please get in touch.


[email protected]

If you are posting a cheque, please post to Freepost RTST-EKES-GCGK, Community fundraising, British Red Cross, 44 Moorfields, London, EC2Y 9AL.


0300 456 1005