How we spend your donations

73p in every £1 you donate helps people in crisis.

How we spend your money

Here's the breakdown of our spending in 2022, which was £366.7 million: 

  •    72.9% was spent helping people in crisis (excludes support costs). For example, crisis response, refugee support and international work
  •    16.4% was spent on fundraising and retail (excludes support costs). 
  •    10.7% was spent on support costs, such as human resources, IT, central management, finance and governance. This spending is essential for our organisation to run efficiently and allows us to help as many people in crisis as possible.
Graph shows expenditure of £366.7m spent on fundraising and retail at 16.4%, support costs at 10.7% and charitable activities at 72.9%.

How your donation helps 

We spent £300.1 million helping people in crisis in 2022.

In the UK:

In the rest of the world:

We publish data on all our international grants on the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) website. Read more about using IATI data

Graph shows £300.1m in donations spent on charitable activities: crisis response 7.4%, home support 19.4%, international 57.9%, first aid and education 7.2%, refugee support 8.1%.

How we raise money

Our funds come from a variety of sources:

For a full breakdown of our income and expenditure, take a look at our annual report and accounts.

Graph shows income of £439m which came from 56.9% in donations, 7.8% retail, 8.4% legacies, 13.9% grants, 11.1% contracts and 1.8% other.

Find out more about how we spend the money we receive

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[email protected]

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0300 456 1155

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